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Osteopathic approach


     Osteopathy is a scientific discipline and comprehensive manual method of assesment and work on the body and its systems. In this method, as a part of manual medicine, through soft palpation (feeling/listening) of the tissue, various osteopathic tests and techniques, the osteopathist is trying to determine and treat different functional disorders and painful conditions of bodily systems.

    One of the basic principles of osteopathy is that that if the body is structuraly in order, then it is capable of healthy functioning and not developing illness. Body as such is capable of self-regulation and self-healing.


    The goal of this manual method is the treatment of specific body structures (fasciae, muscles, joint, bones, nerves, etc.) to lower the tension of those structures, increase their flexibility and circulaltion, limphatic drainage and nerve conduction. By doing that we decrease the pain and tissue tension. Treating the body in such manner we are activating body's own mechanisms of healing, and improving balance of the whole organism. This results with natural physiological processes of the body, which are the foundation of our health. By applying this method we are approaching a person holistically and globaly, treating a whole body, not just specific symptomatic areas.


    Osteopathic treatment includes techniques which, in a wider sense, can be divided to: sensorial, functional, miofascial and structural, and which are covering musculoskeletal, cranial and visceral osteopathy.


Manual lymphatic drainage


    Manual lymphatic drainage is a kind of massage technique which aims at achieving balance between bodily fluids. Its first goal is to act upon flow of lymphatic liquid within lymphatic system. Positive side effects of this are better circulation, tissue mobility and overall relaxation of the patient.


    Basic symptom indicating use of this massage technique is lymphatic fluid accumulation and local swelling. This usually occurs after trauma or surgery. Lymphatic system transports metabolica waste from the connective tissue through lymphatic vessels and further into the venous part of the circulatory system. In the end, the metabolic waste is removed from the organism through the urinal system.


    Unlike blood and venous system, lymphatic fluid is not driven through the lymphatic system by a pump, resulting in much slower movement throughout the body. In the case of reduced movement of a specific section that pushes the lymphatic fluid through the system and to the tidal node, there is a drainage delay resulting in overwhelming accumulation of the lymph, that is, water and protein. That condition is called and edema.


    Edema causes reduced mobility of the part of the body in question and waste material in it become toxic with time and lead to health problems.




    There are different kinds of massage - classical, deep-connective, sport, medicinal, relaxational...

By combining techniques of manual medicine and massage techniques, we are trying to unite the two within this kind of treatment. Thus, it contains elements of mobilization, working on muscle fasciae and on the function of the specific part of the body. In the end, there are the elements known to those familiar with the classical massage. When decribing and explaining to the patients we are stressing that this is no ordinary massage, but a treatment resulting from various workshops during the osteopathist's study and interconnecting different medical lore.

Alexander technique














     Alexander technique is simple and practical method with which we are trying to influence on the way we use our body in movement and while resting still. When practicing this technique we are trying to achieve lightness and freedom of movement, better balance and better body co-ordination.


    What Alexander technique teaches us is how to make a better use of our body, that is, to have better and optimized use of a certain move, with the whole body following. For that reason, Alexander technique is recommended to musicians, actors, singers, dancers and to all those who due to their profession or hobby, are suffering from painful conditions caused by irregular use of their body (eg. dentists, surgeons, managers, ...)

    By practicing Alexander technique we are strengthening and improving our kinesthetic sensibility, observing all of our unwanted bodily habits which mostly make us stiff without even noticing it. Alexander technique aims at making us aware of those habits, giving us a chance of replacing them for better, more pleasant and more acceptable way of moving, resulting in reducing body stifness and pain. This ultimately leads towards general happiness and healthier life.

    Affecting one's physical level affects his or hers emotional and spiritual condition, the same way our thoughts and emotion are reflecting on the way we move and use our body, or better said, ourselves.





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